2009-10-11 16:08:09 UTC
Hello Everton,
It is me again. Today, I tried to test quagga+pimd with two hosts
connected to one pc and then forming two hop routing as shown below:
1 host
It works fine while sending igmp join. But the problem is when we terminate
igmp join by closing nepim on one of the hosts then even though another
host is sending igmp join through nepim pc1 does not show any pim join.
all on debian lenny.
Thanks in advance for your help.
It is me again. Today, I tried to test quagga+pimd with two hosts
connected to one pc and then forming two hop routing as shown below:
1 host
join to pc1 >>>> pc 2(2 eth cards) >>> pc 3 (
2 hostIt works fine while sending igmp join. But the problem is when we terminate
igmp join by closing nepim on one of the hosts then even though another
host is sending igmp join through nepim pc1 does not show any pim join.
all on debian lenny.
Thanks in advance for your help.